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Premier Wagon
 [ $1,250 | 98,235 Miles ] [ DOWNLOAD (128.2 Kb) ] 2015-05-18, 1:05 AM
If you're looking for a car to lug the family around with a hint of the 1980s, then look no further, as the 1987 Premier Wagon is now in stock at Sunshine Autos! This car has rear wheel drive and a long wheelbase with short outer ends. Great visibility with almost no blind spots for such a large wagon. You might think this will lead up to speed and other things. But nah, the manufacturer put a scooter engine in it for the first 10,000 batch and realised the mistake couldn't be reversed, so it kept supplying it like this. But hell, that isn't too bad, Soccer Moms loved this back in the day!

[replaces Regina]

[Author - universetwisters]
The Big Picture!
Category: San Andreas State | Author: universetwisters
Views: 2044 | Type: Replacement Vehicle | Downloads: 358 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 3.5/2
Total comments: 2
2 Joao_Teles  
0 Spam
Nice car , looks like a game of car even

1 rodrigosjmatsuzaki  
Hey, what do you think about converting sedans to wagons and vice versa? like a sedan Stratum S(sedan)? or maybe a 92' Premier Wagon, you can even squeeze multiple versions out of it like taxi and police(retired dog unit?).

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