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Opus Mantis B
 [ $25,000 | 108,000 Miles Miles ] [ DOWNLOAD (80.6 Kb) · Screenshot ] 2015-09-24, 7:24 PM
In the 1970's, the German car company Opus worked diligently to design their own rendition of the then-popular sports coupes in America. The end result was a distaster. Today, the Mantis B's only claim to fame is a few Dutch comedy films, such as the poorly made, edited, and written "Godverdomme Nederlandse Mensen", and sitting on some cinder blocks in front of some mobile home in Europe en masse. And now's your own chance to own one, imported all the way from Essen, just for $25,000! Is it a lot? Sure, but for something that looks like a muscle car, handles like a hatchback, and made in Germany, it's well worth the money!

[replaces Phoenix]

[Author - universetwisters]
The Big Picture!
Category: San Andreas State | Author: universetwisters
Views: 2464 | Type: Replacement Vehicle | Downloads: 551 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 2
2 SadBum  
It would be really nice if you made a heavy duty version of the T-10, with double real wheels,bbumpers,roof lights,etc...

1 SadBum  
Great to see another mod from you, are you planning to keep making new mods?

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