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Clover Rally
 [ $7,000 | 234,200 Miles ] [ DOWNLOAD (116.1 Kb) ] 2014-10-28, 2:47 AM
This here's from another police auction - straight out of Macon, Georgia, is a 1969 Clover. But what was it doing at a police auction, you might be asking yourselves? Simple - it's owner got arrested for running moonshine! You can tell it just by looking at the car. For one, all the glass is removed and replaced with bars to keep the roof sturdy in the event of a rollover. Second, all the unnecessary bits that weigh the car down are out. Finally, the trunk's been equipped to run some of the finest white lightning across the Appalachains with a storage crate literally bolted into the chassis. It doesn't get any more white trash than this!

[replaces Clover]

[Author - universetwisters]
The Big Picture!
Category: San Andreas State | Author: universetwisters
Views: 3946 | Type: Replacement Vehicle | Downloads: 260 | Rating: 4.0/1
Total comments: 0
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